Check proofreading off your to-do list without the overwhelm and nitpicking.
Proofreading and Citation Editing Services for Health-and-Wellness Entrepreneurs and Students in the Natural Sciences and English Literature Programs
Your Problem:
You know you are missing errors when you proofread your content.
You are always zooming through your proofreading tasks last minute. And if you are being honest, taking a magnifying glass to your content to check if your commas are in the right place is the last thing you want to spend your precious time on.
You would love to take a permanent vacation away from proofreading. But . . . how can you when you know how important it is?
Here is your solution:
Specializing in a few specific client types means I am especially knowledgeable about the conventions, formats, and topics that YOU are writing about.
Grammar Expert
Understanding how words work is a passion of mine, but I know it is not a passion for most people. So I use my gift to check your writing so that you can spend time on your passions.
A Fresh Perspective
Your writing is fresh content to my eyes, and I do not know what your brain intended to say. This allows me to easily identify any errors in your content.
Client Testimonial
When I was ready to print my recent book, I gave it to Michelle to proofread. I was both surprised and pleased with the results: surprised at the number of errors and inconsistencies I missed and pleased to have a book free of distracting inaccuracies.
Marshall L. Author
Your writing needs to be as error-free as possible.
Whether you are a business owner or a student, you need your writing to convey a sense of professionalism. Keeping errors in grammar, punctuation, and formatting (including citation formatting) to a minimum is key.

Full-Service Proofreading
Standalone Citation Editing Service
Have all of your content including your citations, if relevant, proofread.
On a tight budget? No problem. I can still help you proofread a portion of your work by focussing in on just your citations.
Hi there! I am Michelle Lawrence.
I help health-and-wellness entrepreneurs and students of the natural sciences and English literature to polish their writing BEFORE it is sent out into the world.
I am a proofreader and solopreneur with a Bachelor of Science in Biology, a minor in English, and a love for words!
I started Noteworthy Proofreading because I want to use my talent for words and knowledge of the natural sciences to help entrepreneurs or students like YOU.